Sunday, March 22, 2009


You want change, I got change. Here's 9 . And don't say that addressing anything other than fixing the economy or getting out of Iraq or fixing our infrastructure is counterproductive. That is nothing less than a lie.

1. Let's have an election holiday. Let's have polls open 24 hour, in the Spring. On a Friday. And make certain there is a guarantee of no lines. That's worse than bread lines,. 100,000 had to give up after a six hour wait in one state in 2008. That has to be addressed and fixed. It's a poll tax. Ask Rachael Maddow and Tom Brokow to head an ad hoc comittee on this. They have already comitted themselves. Republican elitists are unashamed to admit that turnout is not in their best interest . That's why the elitists among the founding fathers worked so hard to install elections in weather that would impact on the less prosperous voters. In the middle of the week instead of logically on the weekend, Russians vote on the weekend. Any arguments to the contrary have no real standing. It's just true, that's all. Crystal clear. Spring vs. autum, weekend vs midweek voting was debated behind closed doors, and the good guys lost. It has to have happened that way. And there is no record of it of course.

2. Let's have daylight savings in the winter where it belongs so kids can walk home from school more safely. It already gets dark too early in the winter, and this idiocy makes it worse.

3. Let's enforce our immigration laws. American working people all feel that government has given in to corporations on this one.

4. Let's get rid of the word lobbyist as we did the word black... it's about bribery. The new administration should put some bright minds into finding and promoting a better word that is not a phony euphemism. Have a contest run at the colleges. Then urge the media. I'm serious.

5. Let's appoint Ralph Nader as an ad hoc advisor on consumer needs. He is a national treasure. Unsafe at any speed was a generation ahead of it's time.

6. Let's address the deterioration of am radio. At 30% advertisement time, it is a ruined medium . A wonderful free source of ideas and learning, the airwaves have been bought by corporate america. Another Nader hobby horse. And no trivial matter.

7. Let's make an effort in the media to stop calling European Americans white. You might think it trivial, but it promotes racism.

8. Reverse the corporate takeover of intellectual property and revert to the original founding fathers 17 year copyright standard. Material that should be available for fair use on the internet, works of modern fiction and non fiction written since 1930, have been pulled off the internet. It's not just AIG or Enron. The misfeasance of capitalists, lawyers, corporations and government deeply permeates our society. And nowhere more clearly than in this ridiculous copyright extension to 70 years. It is an outrage.

9. Bring the ELECTRONIC public library into the 21st century. HTML ACCESS TO BESTSELLERS. Go ahead. Argue all you want. It won't do you any god because I'm right by definition. Do your own thinking about that. One example, including DVDs of current features, just as it includes current best sellers. Here we have books selling for $25 available for free. Do you think Republicans support such an anti business institution? Of course not. But extending that print literature to cinema... Not susch a great jump... how is that out of line. It isn't. It would impact on ticket sales, and ultimately on movie budgets, but that argument can be made about print books as well, and the argument was lost. It should be lost again. Ben Franklyn was able to win the case. It can be won again. And it should be. At least most of the good guys tend to think so. We understand supply side economics, but the consumer side needs a fair hearing too.

10. Christmas in the public square. Biden agreed with me on this. Bill O'Rielly is the go to guy. Biden and O'Riely united. the people's revolution. It is time for the president to take a stand against excessive political correctness.

11. Force microsoft to oblige consumer side, not supply suide demands. Reinstall the floppy drive, which was taken away for no good reason, and is regularly observed in high level use in government thrillers like 24. It's standardequipment at the pentagon. And that is a serious claim, against Mac and PC. The anti consumer stands of these two gruesome behemoths has been horrendous. And clearly changing this is a presidential level task. Reagan was about supply side economics. We are about regulation, consumer side economics. A better expression needs to be found.

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